232 A California Pioneer but that in "ten days more she would have enough money to take her mother back East in a palace car. "But," said John, "I have a proposition to make to you." "Is it better than eight doUars a night?" she asked. After a laugh, John answered: "I do not think you would get eight doUars every night, but it would be better than that in the long run. I propose right now to go to the residence of the County Clerk and get a mar¬ riage Hcense. Then I wiU come back for you, and we "wUl go to the Magistrate and get mar¬ ried." To this Agnes repUed that she did not be¬ Ueve in pulUng people out of bed at that time of night, but that if he would come around at ten o'clock in the moming she would be ready. Agreed! At ten o'clock the next moming John Gibson was in jail, and Agnes was being subpoenaed as a ¦witness at the inquest to be held by the coroner upon the body of BUlings. As BiUings had dropped to the ground, the back of his neck struck on the comer of the plank sidewalk curbing, his neck was broken, and he died almost instantly. At the coroner's inquest Agnes gave her testi¬ mony, as did also three other eyewitnesses, and